What we do

YESS Global Medical in partnership with Tender Loving Family Care and other community partners provides medical care and needed supplies to those unable to access them. We leverage years of experience in medicine to develop clinics that can be held on an ongoing basis. We bring well-trained medical professionals, willing volunteers, and needed supplies. As we grow our network, our goal is to empower local communities with the tools they need to lead healthy lives.

Did you know that...

There are millions of people in developing countries who miss out on important medical treatment because it’s too expensive or not available locally. An estimated 1.2 billion people live without access to medical care and over 7 million children die each year from preventable causes. These communities are suffering. We can help.

Globally, there are people who desire a healthy and thriving existence but are unable to access medical assistance.

We Need Your Support

By supporting YESS Global Medical you are helping us save lives by ensuring that those most in need have access to life-saving medicines and procedures at little or no cost. It’s not just physical lives that are at risk, we care about the souls of these communities. We believe that this simple act of providing access to basic health services can help change lives both physically and spiritually, and give people hope for a better future.

If you have gifts in health care and would like to help us heal bodies and souls, let us know so we can serve together.